Losel Yauch

Where do you live
I grew up in New York but I’m living in London at the moment

What did you eat for breakfast
A Spinach pie from Damascus Bakery

How do you take care of your body
Ginger, garlic, and honey. Not at the same time though

How do you take care of your mind
Listen to music on a walk or bike ride

What was it like being a Prod Asst on the set of The Beguiled? 
It was my first time working in costumes and my first time working on a set.
I really wasn’t sure what to expect before I got there but everyone was so sweet, hardworking, and funny. I assumed every set must be like that but when the film wrapped a lot of the cast and crew commented on how special it had been.

Here is a photo of the Beguiled costumes truck.  “I came back and found my bosses balancing berries on Oliver’s paws.”

Best hand me down 
A pair of white boots I borrowed indefinitely from my mom

Describe your morning routine
My body has learned to sleep through multiple rounds of alarms so I would describe my morning routine as rushed

Describe your bedtime routine
A shower

When are you happiest
If I’ve made someone laugh or if someone has made me laugh

I hate this question when people ask me, but I genuinely want to know - What is your art "inspired" by, I will probably rephrase this question to sound less lame
I’m interested in the relationship between conflict and creativity. A lot of my work has been about documenting artillery and examining the occupation of Tibet (I’m Tibetan) but since the pandemic started my stuff has been less grounded- I’m more interested in color than subject matter at the moment.

What is the best part of going to school in London
I get to wear a sweater All. Year. Long.

What makes you laugh hardest
Oof this has stumped me. I don’t know if I have an answer honestly but what made me smile recently was an album called The Headphone Masterpiece by Cody Chesnutt. There was one track that was this love song to a girl and in the middle of it he started singing about microwaves. And the whole album is like that, it’s great

Who do you call the most
My mutha

What do you do to wind down
Watch a bit of TV

Favorite job you've ever had
I really enjoyed working in costumes. But I also had a really fun time working at a tech startup accelerator a couple years ago. It was a short job, only about 3 months, but it was such a great group of people and a really playful environment. Here is a photo of the office fridge: