Jeannie and Chase Sui


What did you eat for breakfast
A ripe summer’s peach.

What was your first AIM screen name
Chasesui. A baller move at the time.

Favorite animal and WHY
A Proboscis monkey. They're the weirdest looking things on the planet. Google them, you will not regret it.

One movie you wish you were in
Blade Runner. The original. Or A Woman Under the Influence.

Your newest hobby
Roller Blading.

Something you miss from middle school
Pants-ing and table topping people.

What do you wish you did more of
Kick-boxing--nothing releases pent up anger quite like it.

Favorite 3 things to eat right now
Peaches, sushi, popsicles.

Bedtime routine
Hot tea, a book, fashioning my pillows around me like a small fortress.

What do you do the first hour after waking up
Coffee asap immediately. If I can, I get some writing done and try not to look at my phone for as long as possible.

Two books you’d recommend to a friend
Cassavetes on Cassavetes, The Happiness Equation.

Do you have any self care rituals
Amino acid and retinal at night / Amino acids and Vitamin-C serum in the morning

What are you working on right now
I’m working on a writing project and I’m about to shoot a romantic thriller in Rhode Island that I’m really excited about.

What do you do to unwind
I like going for runs along the westside highway.

What were you like in high school
I was a shy freak.

Movies you could never get sick of
The Great Beauty, Die Hard, Magnolia, Husbands.


What did you eat for breakfast ...  Leftover dan dan noodles

What was your first AIM screen name ... girladagoodlife 

One movie you wish you were in.... Nashville

Your newest hobby...Researching folk art, photographing the gargoyles around manhattan with my iphone 

Something you miss from middle school...Decorating my locker with gel gems and stickers & field trips

Favorite 3 things to eat right now.... Boiled beets with yogurt, crackers and dill, peaches from union sq market, mango and sago from MangoMango 

Bedtime routine... Skincare then read or watch a movie 

What do you do the first hour after waking up...It's been chaotic recently but I always manage to make coffee and put on SPF

Two books you’d recommend to a friend... Modern Love by Constance DeJong, The Bell by Iris Murdoch 

What are you working on right now... Writing a movie

What do you do to unwind...  Baths I <3 baths, gua sha, walks around the east village, surf eBay