Mitch Ryan

Where are you from
Hi Sandy Thanks for asking me to do this, I am from carroll county Maryland![]() What did you eat for breakfast A danish and a large coffee with milk How do you take care of your body I walk everywhere, eat a lot and I drink as much water as I can always. Fave wine Whatever Trevor at Discovery Wines tells me to like. ![]() Best advice you've ever gotten Hunger is the best Sauce Your newest hobby Like many people, I picked up tennis during quarantine. I’m OK. What's your best nutrition advice I’m not the best person to answer this. I ate 5 Dunkin’ donuts yesterday. What's your best skincare advice Same as above Best restaurant for first date I try to stay away from restaurants for first dates. Tell me about your gym routine Start with bench or squats depending on the day then do smaller muscles. Then eat a huge dinner. ![]() Describe your morning routine Wake up, drink a glass of water, then put on clothes and walk to one of 3 coffee shops. Sometimes I forget to even look in a mirror. I need to start showering before going out maybe. Describe your bedtime routine Right now I am in my Arrested-Development-until-I-can’t-keep-my-eyes-open phase. It’s my favorite show but this phase of mine is somehow kind of dark. When are you happiest When I’m eating a classic, delicious burger with a friend. Also I love driving. ![]() What do you do to wind down turn my phone off and shower. What is the nicest thing you ever did for a girl i feel i always do small nice things and maybe that adds up to one big nicest thing. im single though so maybe need a new Strategy Dream Car My car, which is a Toyota Tacoma. I had one in high school and I just bought a new one. What do you do when you're having a bad day I go to sleep , because I think it will make the day pass faster but post-nap is even more brutal. What makes you laugh hardest When old people fall between a boat and the dock into the Water Who do you call the most Definitely my Mom I love my mom What is the nicest thing you ever did for your mom We organized a small family party for her last day of chemo and surprised her. She couldn’t stop crying. |